Fernisering – Bruno Mikael Eysturstein

Føroyska Listafelagið bjóðar til fernisering við listamanninum
Bruno Mikael Eysturstein

Føroyahúsið á Vesterbrogade 17A
Sunnudagin 19. juni kl.15-17

Bruno eri ein royndur listamaður, ið hevur arbeitt við nógvum ymiskum miðlum so sum myndlist, prent, digitalt prent, grafik, ljóð og mangt annað. 

Í seinastuni hevur Bruno arbeitt við nattúruni sum íblástur í sínum listaverkum, saman vid ljóðlandslagi ella huglagi sum dregur áskoðarin til listina. Har afturæt er Bruno í hesu løtu kurator til várframsýningina 2022 við felagsheitinum “Fláffy United”.

Bruno Mikael Eysturstein is a Faroese artist with a lot of different experiences. His main experience is with painting and drawing. Lately, Bruno has been working with nature as a medium of expression for installations in galleries and places where he exhibits, as well as sound recording and synths to create a sound landscape or mood to draw the audience into the art.

Bruno has also worked with photos which has led him to the digital medium as an expression, and has had several exhibitions with these images of digital dreamworld-like images. He has worked as an assistant for the Faroese Graphic Artist Marius Olsen, who taught in Greenland artschool. Bruno has been making graphics, such as dry needle, copper print and linoleum. With that he has also made posters, CD covers and music videos representing artists such as Lea Kampmann, Knút Háberg Eysturstein, Stars Devine and Jógvan Joensen.